Category Archives: Uncategorized

The security behind: Cars

In this episode we see that while car hacking is a well-known issue in the cybersecurity community, many people are unaware of the digital fragility of today’s vehicles and the extensive attack surface they present.

Felix explores various motivations for hacking cars, ranging from targeting public figures for eavesdropping or disruption, to stealing high-end cars, to accessing the contents of a vehicle. He mentions more complex motives like environmental extremism or cyberterrorism, where the goal might be to cause widespread disruption. He also speculates about the use of cars as tools for mass data collection, though he deems this unlikely due to the effort involved compared to existing methods.

The podcast delves into the different attack surfaces of cars. These include user and mechanic facing equipment like keys and diagnostic ports, components interacting with the external environment like cameras and sensors, and internet-connected features such as navigation updates and emergency services. Felix acknowledges that while some might consider these risks theoretical, there have been practical demonstrations of car hacking. He cites examples, including hobbyist devices tracking cars through tire pressure monitoring systems, and reports of foreign entities modifying cars to track movements.

Felix highlights a significant event in the field of automotive cybersecurity: the first Pwn2Own automotive competition in Tokyo, where security researchers demonstrate exploits for vulnerabilities in cars. The competition is divided into categories such as Tesla-specific challenges, in-vehicle entertainment systems, electric vehicle chargers, and automotive operating systems.

The podcast focuses on the CAN bus system used in cars, a network protocol connecting various car components. Felix explains its lack of authentication, making it vulnerable to attacks where any device can imitate another. He also discusses the evolution of car networking from a single CAN bus to multiple networks, which has inadvertently improved security by limiting the attack surface.

Postmark and Encrypted Emails

Postmark is an email distribution company. They provide SMTP relay services for transactional and bulk email messaging. Transactional is a bit of a confusing concept in this space as they are actively marketing for web application integration opportunities. They also provide an API that is compatible with things like Postfix and so it is also possible to use Postmark as your normal, boring, everyday, business, personal (however you describe it) outbound email provider. This means it is possible to run your own infrastructure, but, offload the difficult bit of maintaining a reputation to someone else.

This post doesn’t go into the detail about how to set that up as there is plenty online about that already and the guys at Postmark are pretty helpful in getting up and running. Instead, this post is specifically about how to deal with using Postmark when sending GPG encrypted emails.

Modern GPG usage encapsulates the encrypted portion of the message into a multipart mime envelope. You might have seen something like this before:

Content-Type: multipart/encrypted;

This is an OpenPGP/MIME encrypted message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted
Content-Description: PGP/MIME version identification

Version: 1

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="encrypted.asc"
Content-Description: OpenPGP encrypted message
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="encrypted.asc"


The above is the structure definition of the encrypted portions on the email. There is no plaintext or HTML elements that get sent with such an email. Unfortunately Postmark errors when sending messages that it perceives as having no content. Makes sense, but, their definition of no-content is perhaps a little narrow.

One of the support desk guys at Postmark and I did a bit of Googling and came across someone dealing with a similar situation. That guide uses a tool called ‘altermime’ and essentially gets Postfix to allow Altermime to add a disclaimer / footer to the end of the message thus meaning that there is content. Sadly this does not work for GPG encrypted emails as altermime can’t cope with encrypted multipart messages either.

I set to work and using the same principals I modified their altermime handler script to do what I needed:


# enable debug or not

# Localize these.

# Exit codes from <sysexits.h>

# Clean up when done or when aborting.
trap "rm -f in.$$" 0 1 2 3 15

# Start processing.
cd $INSPECT_DIR || { echo $INSPECT_DIR does not exist; exit

cat >in.$$ || { echo Cannot save mail to file; exit $EX_TEMPFAIL; }

# check if message is has a mimetype that indicates it is encrypted

## get content type
content_type=`grep -m 1 "Content-Type:" in.$$`
boundary_flag=`grep -m 1 "boundary=" in.$$ | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2`

## debug output
if $DEBUG; then
   cp in.$$ /tmp/$$
   echo `date` >> /tmp/disclaimer
   echo "Temp file is: " in.$$ >> /tmp/disclaimer
   echo "Content type is: " $content_type >> /tmp/disclaimer
   echo "Boundary is: " $boundary_flag >> /tmp/disclaimer

if echo ${content_type} | grep -iqF encrypted; then
   if $DEBUG; then
     echo "Found mimetype for an encrypted email" >> /tmp/disclaimer
     echo "Replacement command: sed -i \"s/$boundary_flag--/$boundary_flag\\\n\\\nEncrypted email\\\n\\\n$boundary_flag--/\" /tmp/$$ " >> /tmp/disclaimer

   # add the extra mime boundary with content
   `sed -i "s/$boundary_flag--/$boundary_flag\n\nEncrypted email\n\n$boundary_flag--/" in.$$`

$SENDMAIL "$@" <in.$$

exit $?

This script doesn’t use altermime at all, so you don’t need that tool. Instead it does some string manipulation to add an additional multipart section with the plaintext “Encrypted email” and then hands the mail back over to Postfix.

To make this work, follow this guide, but don’t install altermime, ignore the stuff about addresses, you don’t need /etc/postfix/disclaimer.txt and in /etc/postfix/disclaimer, use the above script instead.

Source Mapper Burp Plugin

In a previous post we discussed the merits of using JavaScript source maps inside the browser to assist in debugging and web application penetration testing. Today we are delighted to announce the publication of a new Burp Suite App (BApp) called Source Mapper. This tool is free to all users of Burp Suite and can be downloaded directly from the BApp Store within Burp, or manually via GitHub.

It has become common place for JavaScript and CSS files to be “minified” in order to reduce the amount of data transfer required when a user visits a web application. This is particulalrly likely when the web application is a Single Page Application (SPA) or other heavy user of client-side code. Unfortunately, minification makes the code very difficult to debug. The process of minification removes all functionally-unnecessary whitespace and reduces variable and function names to as short a value as possible, often down to a single character.

The plugin is relatively simple, it injects a fragment of code into any JavaScript files it detects which causes the browser to request the script’s source map file. Once the browser requests the source map file, the plugin checks to see if one has been provided by the server. If it hasn’t been provided, the plugin checks to see if it has one locally and then injects it if it can!

Download the plugin now and get debugging!